Above envelope was mailed in reverse, sent from Beijing, China to myself in Penang, Malaysia. See FDC cancellation done at George Town General Post Office, Penang and postmark from Beijing.
In May 31, 1974, Malaysia was the first Asean country to establish diplomatic relations with China. This prepaid envelope, printed 95 sen stamp - the postcage cost to send to China, is sold at RM2.00.
The front shows the Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak meeting Chariman Mao. The stamp shows Malaysia's Twin Towers with China's Shanghai Pearl Tower and both countries national flowers.
The reverse side shows the leaders of both Malaysia and China during the past 35 years. The first Prime Minister of Malaysia Tun Abdul Rahman is not shown.
I have bought a few envelopes with FDC stamp at George Town General Post Office if anyone wants to trade.